Macdonald Minor Hockey Association
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Feb 11 2023

Referee Clinic Starbuck October 29th

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Hi All, 


There is understandably some confusion about the Referee Clinic in Starbuck on Saturday October 29th. I am writing this email to answer some of these questions. 


 This clinic was not posted online meaning there is no link to register and pay. To my understanding, after speaking with Hockey Manitoba and Pembina Valley, they will sort all this out at the clinic, or give instruction about payment amongst other things after its completed. I was told tell those who were interested to show up Saturday ready to attend. If you’re attending, but haven’t notified me, please reach out, and I will try and provide the instructors with an accurate list, so we can sort these wrinkles out as soon as possible. 


The Clinic will begin @10:00AM, but I recommend showing up a bit earlier. Items to bring include a pen and paper, skates, a helmet, a whistle, and clothing you could wear skating as we have an ice time @2:15PM, to go over some of the things taught in the clinic. The clinic will end at around @3:00PM. The exam will be a take home version, and a link will be provided at the clinic. 


For New Referees:


To attend this clinic a course called Hockey University must be completed first and I’ve provided a link to the registration portal below. It takes about 6 hours, so I recommend not leaving it until Friday evening. 


Link to Hockey University: 

Finally, all referees must attend an in-person clinic to be certified, and with very few left in Winnipeg and other areas, this is the best opportunity to ensure certification. This is considered a Level 1/2 Clinic. 


If you have any questions, please reach out 


Nate Brigg

Referee-in-Chief Macdonald Hockey 

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